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Yinuo, born and raised in China, moved to the U.S. to pursue her MFA in Writing and Directing at Columbia University. Her feature film scripts include Yesterday Will Be Perfect, winner at the 2018 Busan International Film Festival's Asian Project Market, and Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Official Selection 2021 Cannes Film Festival), a neo-noir thriller set against the backdrop of the 1990s Chinese economic reform. Besides Cannes, it was an Official Selection at the Toronto International Film Festival, and won an audience award at the San Sebastián Film Festival.


During the pandemic, she co-wrote and acted in The Department of All Things Lost and Found, a surreal short film about a displaced Chinese woman who receives lost items from a mysterious department, seemingly restoring forgotten memories. This film was screened at the 2022 New York Short Film Festival, where it was a finalist in the “World Beyonds” category. 


王一诺,山东济南人,本科毕业于北京外国语大学,于 2011 年赴纽约学习电影制作,取得哥伦比亚大学导演与编剧专业艺术硕士学位,曾在纽约、波多黎各、香港、新加坡等地参与过十余部短片的编写与制作。她的长片剧本涵盖剧情、犯罪、悬疑等多种类型,在柏林电影节、上海电影节、釜山电影节的电影开发市场夺金。其中,由张艾嘉、彭于晏、王砚辉主演的悬疑剧情片《热带往事》于2021年上映,入选戛纳电影节,多伦多国际电影节,圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节等;她在疫情期间创作并主演的超现实短片 The Department of All Things Lost and Found 入选2022年纽约短片电影节"世界之外"单元决赛。​除电影创作外,一诺目前就职于谷歌,从事人工智能研究与创意开发。

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